Co-Std-VireurCZ1  AFFICHEURLED_Bouton_devis_g

Lambert-Jouty has a broad range of turning rollers allowing the rotation of cylindrical parts :

Conventional turning rollers of a capacity of 6 to 2 500 t
The conventional turning rollers can be equipped with an automatic antidrift system which stabilize longitudinally the part with a high degree of accuracy. This system is very useful for the operations related to welding requiring a continuous rotation of the part and requiring a high transverse stability. It significantly increases the safety of the working station by providing the function of anti-falls ; the turning roller is automatically stopped if the displacement of the part becomes too important.

Turning rollers with fitting sections to facilitate the clamping of vessels :
The idler sections are equipped with wheels assembled on hydraulic jacks in order to position the vessels face to face. 

Turning rollers with bogies or self aligning for the welding of vessels of low thickness ; capacity of 6 to 160 t. 

Special turning rollers :
    – turning rollers with wheels of large diameter 
    – turning rollers with integrated or retractable carriage
    – turning rollers with integrated rings for the non cylindrical parts
    – turning rollers personalized according to the customer requirement (increased interaxis,
      axis height of wheel, etc)

The Lambert-Jouty turning rollers are used universally (Germany, Belgium, Brésil, South Korea, Spain, India, Italy, Turkey, Russia,…). The largest turning roller currently under operation, which was studied and carried out in our workshop, has a capacity of 2000 t.

Turning rollers 

CZ Type


Up to 2 500t

on 2 sections 


Self aligning turning rollers
VE type


Up to 160 t 

on 2 sections
